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Try Brain Training First


Students and adults show dramatic improvements in IQ, grades, life skills and success at LearningRx in Clear Lake

Now that the new school year is in full swing, your kids are learning a lot. And so are you. You’re learning that your child does not like homework. That she is bright, funny and engaging, but her grades don’t reflect that. That he is easily distracted and has challenges remembering to turn in his homework.

If these are lessons you’d rather not learn, you can change the course of your child’s education and even their life. LearningRx can help your child realize their true potential. Their programs offer fun, effective and customized one-on-one brain training sessions that are time-tested and guaranteed to improve cognitive skills, thinking, reading and overall learning & performance levels.

“Weak cognitive skills are responsible for 80 percent of learning struggles,” says Brian Bertrand, owner and director of LearningRx Brain Training Center in Clear Lake. “Until a person builds improved brain skills that are lacking, their natural learning abilities will be inhibited.”

LearningRx unleashes potential and dramatically improves mental performance. And the results are lasting and provide transferable gains into every area of life—decision-making, reading speed and comprehension, athletic performance, music, attention, concentration, self-control and more.

The LearningRx program is simple, yet effective: Assess the root causes of the struggle to identify specific brain skill weaknesses, then target those weaknesses with a carefully designed series of specific brain training exercises. In addition, improvements gained as a result of the program are scientifically measured.

Though brain training may sound intimidating, it’s actually a fun adventure. Brain trainers provide a series of game-like exercises and activities, addressing multiple cognitive skill areas simultaneously. The results are truly transformative. “When people equip their brains to efficiently handle day-to-day tasks like thinking, learning, reading and remembering, everything seems easier,” Bertrand says. “Confidence increases, and learners feel good about their ability to tackle challenges that would have seemed insurmountable before the program. These capabilities last a lifetime.”

Life is competitive and rewards those who can go the extra mile. LearningRx offers programs to help students and adults—no matter what age—gain a competitive advantage and achieve their goals.  Call today to get a brain skills assessment!  - - 281.819.4200


Who Can LearningRx Help?

LearningRx brain training is perfect for school-age children, as well as adults of every age who:

-          Struggle with homework

-          Perform poorly on tests even though they felt prepared

-          Have learning obstacles such as ADD/ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Dyslexia

-          Exhibit memory issues: e.g. forget when assignments are due, or forget to turn them in

-          Perform slowly: e.g. those who take too long to do homework/assignments, or do not complete tests in the allotted time.

-          Are seeking to restore and preserve thinking and memory skills

How LearningRx Succeeds

The LearningRx system builds cognitive skills in seven key areas:

  • Attention
  • Working Memory
  • Processing Speed
  • Long Term Memory
  • Auditory Processing
  • Visual Processing
  • Logic & Reasoning

LearningRx One-on-One Brain Training is Unique

Root Cause Assessed

LearningRx brain trainers work to rewire the brain and improve thinking skills. They begin with an evaluation to assess the root cause issue. They administer the Woodcock Johnson III assessment test, considered the gold standard method of testing intellectual ability and cognitive skills.

Tailored Plan Developed

Following assessment and initial consultation, the specific needs of each individual are identified, and the most effective program options form a brain training plan to target and improve weaknesses.

Customized One-on-One Brain Training

Brain training sessions are scheduled to meet the goals of the client. Typically, the program lasts anywhere from 12-32 weeks, depending on the initial weaknesses and the goals that are sought. Sessions consist of highly-targeted and customized exercises that are designed to increase the capacity to think and learn. The intense, but fun, program includes game-like activities.

Improved Cognitive Skills and Performance

The LearningRx programs have been successful in achieving 3-4 year average gains in age equivalency across the seven essential cognitive skill areas, and have helped raise reading levels by 3 years in a 24-week period. We improve attention skills so significantly that 4 out of 10 clients who come to us on ADHD medication report being able to stop or reduce that medication before the end of their training. But better thinking skills aren’t just about cognitive skill levels and grades. They improve how you perform and handle daily tasks in all facets of life. LearningRx brain training results can be measured scientifically, they are dramatic, and they are permanent. No other program can match the results of LearningRx brain training.


A Parent’s Guide to Making the Right Choice


Tutoring One-on-one or small group “special help” in academic subject or content

-          Review “missed” subject matter from classroom

-          Find an instructor more gifted or knowledgeable in a subject to receive guidance of concepts taught (few are specifically trained and certified)

-          Increases subject-specific knowledge

-          Increases related general knowledge

-          Permits older students to study lower grade-level material without embarrassment

-          Heightens sense of competency and improves attitude toward subject area

Brain Training

-          Does for mental abilities what exercise does for the body

-          Improves the brain’s ability to process information in any subject

-          Enhances underlying cognitive skills required to learn effectively

-          Testing uncovers underlying weakness(es) in specific cognitive skills

-          Training unlocks skills that hinder comprehension, word recognition, reading, memorization, etc.

-          Personalized, fun programs that use drills to improve needed skills

-          Intensive; required to build stronger cognitive skills

-          Creates confidence toward all learning tasks

Dollar per dollar, brain training is 7 times more effective than tutoring.

Train the brain. Get smarter. Guaranteed.


CALL TODAY to schedule an assessment for just $124.50 (regularly $249). Each one-on-one assessment takes about an hour, and gives you a unique profile of individual cognitive abilities.  281.819.4200


LearningRx Brain Training Center of Houston-Clear Lake

126 West Bay Area Blvd.

Webster  TX  77598



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